
Supporting the Unsupported

Rogue Support provides independent, expert computer network and wireless support for homes and businesses.


Network Optimization & Security
Is your network set up correctly? Is it secure? Rogue Support can dig in and provide best practice advice and configuration regardless of the equipment you own.
VLANs, firewall rules, and IoT
Would you like an easy to access guest network? Do you want your IoT devices to be isolated securely? Full VLAN and firewall rule configuration.
Perfect Wireless Coverage
Make your wireless devices jump for joy! WiFi configuration, access point placement advice, and coverage maps will ensure solid connectivity.
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Make full use out of your NAS device! Virtual machine setup, Docker, centralized Documents/Pics/Videos, backups locally and to the cloud.
Remote Access
Need external access to internal services and devices? VPN setup and configuration, Cloudflare tunnels, and other services can provide secure remote access.
Long Range Wireless!
Need Internet in your barn or outbuilding? How about covering your backyard in WiFi? PTP, PTMP, and mesh wireless solutions designed and implemented for reliable Internet.
Anything goes!
Whatever your network needs are, we can connect you with an expert technician who will propose a best practice solution.

How It Works

Submit a Ticket
Describe the issue you’re having, or the task you’re trying to accomplish. Helpful wizards guide you through the process!
Receive Bids
Rogue Support technicians will respond to your ticket with estimates and advice for how to accomplish your individual task.
Choose and Schedule
You pick the Rogue Support technician you feel is best suited to the task at hand, and schedule a time to remotely connect and work the ticket.


Pay As You Go
Just trying out Rogue Support or getting started.
5 Hour Block
Get 5 hours at a discounted rate. One time purchase. Hours are good for one full year from the date of purchase.
10 Hour Block
Get 10 hours at a discounted rate. One time purchase. Hours are good for one full year from the date of purchase.

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